Transformer Panel
Click on settings icon on the Output Window to see the transform panel. This dialog box as shown below lists all the visual transformers supported by Workflow Designer
All the transformers supported are broadly categorized into following categories:
Transforms: These transforms list all the transforms which carry out operations to change the shape of the data. For Example:Groupby & Aggregate. For more details, refer to transformers
Date: These are transformers applicable to date specific columns. Refer Date Transforms overview for more details
Cleanup: These transforms provide all the transforms that help cleanup dataset. for more information refer to cleanup transformer overview
Enrich: These transforms adds or creates a new column to an existing dataset. for more infomation please refer to enrich transfoms overview
Machine Learning: These transformers help do feature engineering and build and publish models. For more information refer to Machine learning transfomers
Code: These transformer provides ways for user to write code recipes
Output: Lists all the transformers that help create an Output Dataset