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Result Window

The Result Window View is where you see the dataset and all the updated results. It consists of a header profile ,tabs of all the opened datasets and column datatype.

[add output window picture]

Visual Designer

Sub views under Output window.

Column datatype

Looking at all the columns you will be able to differentiate the column datatype .

  • For a Numerical column the datatype symbol is the 1 which is seen beside the column name.

numerical header

  • For a Categorical column the datatype symbol is T which is seen beside the column name.

categorical header

  • For Datetime column you see a calendar symbol beside the column name.

datetime header

Profile Header

This section of the result window which helps you understand the distribution of the data through bars charts, frequency i.e count of a certain value in a column .

  • Most of the values you see in numerical columns are binned in equal distributions.

Numerical profile header

  • In Categorical columns you will see the top 5 or to 10 frequently seen values with their count.

[gif of the profile header with cat and num variables]

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