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Command Line Interface(CLI)

Use Command Line Interface

Xceed Analytics provides Command Line Interface(xacli) for configuring, manage and control Xceed Analytics Operations. Please follow through the below link to go through xacli documentation


Xceed CLI comes with basic CRUD operations of the following concepts and those are called services

connectionCommands related to datasets in Data Connectors
catalogCommands related to catalog
dashboardsCommands related to Dashboard listing and alerts
pipelineCommands related to Data Engineering pipelines
querierCommands related to CRUD operations of a SQL parser
semantic layerCommands related to CRUD of creating cubes
jobsCommands related to scheduling and running jobs
notificationCommands related to alerts
expectationsCommands related to Basic data quality checks
tokenCommands related to API token management
git_providerCommands related to Git provider credentials
compute-engineCommands related to Compute engine credentials


Xceed Analytics CLI Documentation page below covers all the above services


Xceed Analytics Command Line Interface(xacli) is currently in Limited Availability

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