Command Tool Bar
Command tool bar is the section you will get to see in top right corner of your page. The reason this is called Command Tool Bar is because anything major changes you make using this tool bar is going to be on a workflow level.
The options you get under Command Tool Bar are :
Recipe creation
The + icon you see is where you get a view to add another recipe . Under that view there are sub options you get :
- Title : This is where you add the title of the recipe
- Description : This is where you need to jot down what you ought to do with the new recipe.
- Select Recipe : Suppose you want to import a previous recipe to the newly created recipe , then you use this option. This gives you an option to join two recipes in one .
The view creating a recipe would look like this.
Editing the current recipe's description
The pencil icon you see next to the create recipe icon is where you can edit recipe's description and title. The view you see when you click on the Edit recipe button looks like
Save of a Workflow
The save option you see next to the recipe edit for saving the whole workflow. you can save a workflow by using the traditional way of holding ctrl + S on your keyboard. The view you see when you save a workflow looks like
Workflow Architecture
All the above explained terms about recipe creation and joining recipes can be visually seen in the recipe flow. The view you see when you click on the workflow architecture is
The Pipeline flow is much different from the recipe flow . The recipe flow is the flow inside of a recipe which will let you visually understand what all steps are inside of that particular recipe and the workflow architecture allows you to understand your in a workflow level .
Run The Recipe
The 4th option you see in the command tool bar is for running all the steps in the recipe you are on . The view you see when you run the recipe is
Deletion of recipe
The recipe that you are working on when you click on the delete button will be delete. You will be prompted with another block asking if you really want to delete the recipe and all the underlying steps. The prompt view that comes up when you click on the delete recipe button looks like the one below
WARNING : If there are any recipes joined to the one you are using right then your pipeline wil break . It is upto user's discretion as to how they want their workflow or the recipe deletion to happen. Once a recipe is deleted it cannot be retrieved back.
Close the designer page
Close your current page and redirect to the desinger page by clicking on the X symbol . You will be prompted with a block asking if you want to save all your steps before closing the view. Based on your choiice you will be redirected back to the main details page of the designer.