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Text Transform

The Text Transforms transformer allows user to transform text or string datatype columns into different cases .

Text Transforms Transform dialog is shown as below:

Text Transforms

  1. Enter Title like most of the other transforms. Ensure that the Title is uniquely identifying the step
  2. Enter Description to provide further information for this particular step. This is helpful in ensuring the transform step is readable in a complex workflow, ensuring readability. This step however, is Optional.
  3. Select Column for the text transformation
  4. + icom allows the user to add as many as the filters the user wants for this transformation .
  5. Transform Type : This field allows the user to choose between the five transform options we are supporting
  6. Click Create to add the step to the recipe.

Supported options under Transform Types are :

  • Lower case
  • Upper Case
  • Capitalize
  • Title Case
  • Remove Punctuation

Text Transforms

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