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Create Column

The Create Column transformer allows user to Create Column filled with a constant value based on different datatypes.

Create Column values Transform dialog is shown as below:

create column

  1. Enter Title like most of the other transforms. Ensure that the Title is uniquely identifying the step
  2. Enter Description to provide further information for this particular step. This is helpful in ensuring the transform step is readable in a complex workflow, ensuring readability. This step however, is Optional.
  3. Enter New Column name: Enter the column name you want to create.
  4. Select Type : Select type pf the column you want to create .
  5. Value : A constant value should be given as a column value .In case of copying a column then the column to be copied is to selected.
  6. Click Create to add the step to the recipe.

create column

Supported options under Select Type are :

  • Number: to create a column with integer datatype.
  • String : to create a column with a string datatype.
  • Datetime : to create a column with datetime datatype.
  • column : to copy a column from another column

A filled step would look like the one below:

create column

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