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Create Bins

The Create Bins transformer allows user to bin numerical columns into seperate divisions by creating a new column out of it .for example if there is a column called covid_numbers and the values range from 2 to 2000 and the user wants to bin these into different groups, then create bins will be helpful.

Create Buckets Transform dialog is shown as below:


  1. Enter Title like most of the other transforms. Ensure that the Title is uniquely identifying the step
  2. Enter Description to provide further information for this particular step. This is helpful in ensuring the transform step is readable in a complex workflow, ensuring readability. This step however, is Optional.
  3. New Column Name should be given for merging two columns.
  4. Select Column you want to create bins for .
  5. NO. OF DIVISIONS is for user to decide how many bins do they want to create .
    • based on the number of bins the view below that would change.
    • you will be able to change the values in the No of Divisions views.
  6. Click on Create after you have finished creating all the bins


  1. Make sure to not give the any column name which already exists in one of the derived columns or the input datasets.
  2. We don't support multiple columns selection in create buckets.

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