Start an Xceed Analytics free trial on AWS
This article tells you how to sign up for an Xceed Analytics free trial
How does the free Xceed Analytics free trial work?
Xceed Analytics offers a 14 day of usage free with no need for payment information during the trial phase.
When your Xceed Analytics free trial ends, you receive an email informing you that you are automatically enrolled in the Xceed Analytics plan, However you won't be able to use the trial instance anymore. The trial instance will be terminated.
You can upgrade your trial instance at any point during the trial or once the trial ends.
Sign up for your Xceed Analytics Trial
Navigate to Try Xceed Analytics
Enter the required registration information as shown in the form below:
Look for the activation email and click the link to verify your email address. You are prompted to create your Xceed Analytics password.
After you create your password, you’re redirected to the Xceed Analytics account login page, where you can set up your Xceed Analytics account and create first Xceed Analytics compute instance. In case of trial instance, Xceed Analytics trial compute instance will be automatically created on login.
Wait for trial instance to be fully operational. This usually takes about 8-10mins. Check the status on the compute page.
Once the compute instance is fully operational, you will be notified via email.
Now login back to your account page, click on Compute on the left navigation, you will see all your Xceed analytics instance as shown in the page below. If you are a trial customer, you will see only trial instance. Click on Copy domain address to copy the domain url for your trial instance and open the same in new browser tab.
Now login with your Xceed Analytics accounts username and passsword. You have arrived at the home page of your Xceed Analytics instance.
Subscribing to a paid subscription
You can subscribe to Xceed Analytics during the trial or once the trial ends. Xceed analytics offers a set of subscription options that suits your requirement. For more details on pricing and features, refer to Pricing Page
Until you create a new compute instance, you won’t be billed without your authorization. You can upgrade to a higher tier plan at any time during your trial or after your trial ends.
To upgrade while your trial is running. Click Upgrade on the left navigation or go to Compute page and click Create. You will be taken through the following steps.
- Step 1 is to choose the compute options as shown below:
Choose your subscription plan. For more information on the same, refer to Pricing Page
Enter instance name. This name is also used to choose a unique domain address for your specific instance. Use a unique name (for ex. your-org-marketing). This will create a unique domain address for this instance as (, where your xceedanalytics instance would be hosted.
noteThe field name is used to create a globally unique domain address within the subdomain. Choose another name in case of conflict
Choose appropriate description to describe the purpose of this instance.
Next, Choose the cloud provider and the region
Click Create. This will now take you to Step 2 (Payments page).
- Step 2 is where you enter your payments information.
In case, you have already saved the card information prior. Choose the card and click Subscribe. Else, Enter your credit card information and authenticate and click Subscribe as shown in the image below:
On successful addition of the card, you would now arrive at the Compute Instance home page. Note the status is shown as PAID. Your instance is now being created. This usually takes about 8-10mins.
Check back the status on the compute page after some time. Note that status shows SUCCESS. Alternatingly, you will receive an email when your instance is fully operational. Login back as appropriate.
Managing credit card billing
Login to your Xceed analytics accounts page.
Click on Billing to see your current and previous invoices as shown in the image below:
- Click on payment methods to see your card information.
- To add a new payment method, click ** + Add Payment Method ** button on the page. You will see a popup asking to add a new card as below:
Add your name and card details as required.
Managing your account information
To view or update your account information, click on the userinfo on the bottom left navigation. Click on My Profile menu item.
You have now arrived at the Profile Settings Page as shown below: