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Troubleshooting Google Analytics Connection

Unable to Connect to Google Analytics Server (Error 400 - Redirect URI Mismatch)

If you are unable to connect using your google analytics oauth keys, one possible scenario is google returning "Error Code 400" which essentially means "Error: redirect_uri_mismatch"

Please ensure that you have configured "authorized redirect uri" field on the "Credentials Page" on your Google Developer Console as per the rules below.

  1. Redirect URI shall follow the following pattern:

    https://<your server domain name>/api/connector/auth_redir/

  2. Please note the forward slash (/) at the end of the URI above. This is important and is most common reason for the Redirect URI Mismatch.

Once configured as per the rules above, you should be able to resolve. More more details on how to configure redirect_uri, refer to ** Google Developer Guide **

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